Fit Day - Part 3

The last fitness class of the day was at CoreStrong in Covington. My readers are familiar with this studio, but the majority of the Fit Day participants were not. I knew I wanted the group to go out with a "bang" and this was the perfect place to do it! Stephanie explained the heart rate monitor system to everyone, got everyone set up, and sent people off in pairs for a Shockwave class. 8 stations, all time dependent on the speed of the rowers. Each couple hit the rowing station 4 times.  2 sets of 300m sprints and 2 x 200m sprints. Other stations included boxing, TRX, sled pushes and pulls, and abs and legs on the bosu balls. It was really cool to see everyone finish up with such strength, and let me tell you, it was not an easy day. My legs were exhausted and I did not do nearly as much as the participants.

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Though we all torched some calories, many people's eyes were opened about what workout "zone" they performed in most, or how quickly they recovered from anaerobic activity, or how challenging rowing is (I can attest to this!). What was really cool to me was seeing what classes or experiences struck a chord with different people.

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We had loyal ELMNTLers who had never done CoreStrong, and vice versa. We even had instructors who were excited to try one another's classes and finally carved out the time! Every single person tried something new that day. We had some ladies who knew very little about yoga. We had runners who, by their own admission, don't spend enough time on their strength training. We had women who run companies who had not taken the time to breathe or meditate in quite some time. Everyone was there to give themselves a gift, and what a wonderful gift nutrition and fitness is.

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9 hours of a Saturday is quite a commitment, but I can't think of a better way to recharge. And we accomplished exactly what we sought out to do - we got people out to try new things and spend some time on themselves.

I encourage you to go to these studios' websites. Some places have great deals for newcomers. Wherever you live, this is often the case. If you've been eyeing a new class, sign up with a friend and experience it together.

Have a wonderful weekend, and check back next week to read about the nutrition side of our Fit Day!